Taylor Letterman, Cryptocurrency Analyst and Trader at “Simpler Trading” discusses with Kurt Schemers and Don McKelvey on Traders Nation® what’s behind the recent surge...
Sam McElroy, co-founder of “@Financial and @Financial Investments”, discusses with Kurt Schemers and Don McKelvey on Traders Nation® how Consumer Confidence spiked as Labor...
Danielle Shay, Director of Options and Trader Specialist at Simpler Trading, discusses with Kurt Schemers and Don McKelvey on Traders Nation® what are the...
Raghee Horner, futures and trading expert at Simpler Trading, discusses with Kurt Schemers and Don McKelvey on Traders Nation® that traders are looking at...
Sam McElroy, Co-Founder of, “@Financial”, discusses with Kurt Schemers and Don McKelvey on Traders Nation® a recent survey by, John Graham, a finance professor...
Adam Mesh, CEO and Founder of, “Adam Mesh Trading Group”, discusses with Kurt Schemers and Don McKelvey on Traders Nation® weeks of volatile trading,...
Eddie Ghabour, Co-Owner of, Key Advisors Group LLC” updates with Kurt Schemers and Don McKelvey on Traders Nation® about the “longest bull market run”...
Sam McElroy, Co-Founder of, “@financial and @financial Investments” discusses with Kurt Schemers on Traders Nation® that the jobless claims have dropped to a 49...
David Scranton, CEO, and Founder of, “Sound Income Strategies” discusses with Kurt Schemers on Traders Nation® that the Fed has indicated it’s staying on...
Brad Williams, President of, “Brad Williams Financial Services” discusses with Kurt Schemers on Traders Nation® the DOW’s rapid 830 point tumble due to rising...