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Personal Betterment

Kathy Fettke, Co-CEO, and Co-Founder, of “Real Wealth Network” discusses with Kurt Schemers on Traders Nation® how a large portion, but not all, of the Millennials are opting out of homeownership. It’s discovered how Millennials are putting off to a later age of purchasing a home since coming off...
Angela Sloan, CEO, and Founder of, Sloan Financial Group, updates with Kurt Schemers and Don McKelvey on Traders Nation® how the “Tax Cuts and Job Act of 2017” was beneficial for many Americans, but when it comes to tax filing will taxpayers run into complex filing issues? Sloan, which...
Brad Williams, President of, “Brad Williams Financial Services”, updates with Kurt Schemers and Don McKelvey on Traders Nation® the latest numbers on Consumer Debt. Viewers and listeners discover that student and auto loans have skyrocketed in the non-revolving debt sector, and because of this, the new debt has created...
Angela Sloan, CEO, and Founder of, Sloan Financial Group, discusses with Kurt Schemers and Don McKelvey on how the student loan debt has exceeded 1.2 trillion dollars (US) with over 7 million debtors in default. Given the current political cycle, and the candidates for the Democratic Party floating around...
Danielle Shay, Director of Options and Trader Specialist at Simpler Trading, discusses with Kurt Schemers and Don McKelvey on Traders Nation® what are the best methods for a trader to trade the news, good and bad, and what that formula is. Shay emphasizes how critical it is to determine...
Daniel Pilla, an expert in IRS procedure and advocate of taxpayer rights, plus author of “How to Win Your Tax Audit”, discusses with Kurt Schemers and Don McKelvey on Traders Nation® how big tech meets big government, and, as citizens do we even have a chance up against these...
Al Caicedo, President, and Owner of, “CKS Summit Group, discusses with Kurt Schemers and Don McKelvey on Traders Nation® how the U.S. savings rate has plunged as consumer spending soars. As we take all this into focus, it seems as if Americans are “balance sheet rich”, the static of...
Danielle Shay, Director of Options and Trader Specialist at Simpler Trading discusses with Kurt Schemers on Traders Nation® mid-year review of stocks, strategies, and we look at a specific index because of its strongest relative strength. Watch to see which stocks stand out on her list, and with all...
Brad Williams, President of Brad Williams Financial Services discusses with Kurt Schemers on Traders Nation® how student loan debt has skyrocketed to nearly a trillion dollars and that women hold the majority of that debt. Get the numbers of this phenomenon broken down and the reasons why. Additionally, students and...
Sam McElroy, Co-Founder of @financial and @financial Investments, discusses with Kurt Schemers on Traders Nation® the argument of “when did the current bull market start” and the consensus of among “Wall Street folks”. Additionally, long-term investors and traders have one goal, and that’s to retire and try to get there...
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